Week 6 (FYP1)

Title: Second FYP1 briefing

Activity :
The briefing was conducted in TTL 1 and the attendance of all the student that are taking the FYP 1 was compulsory.

Speaker: FYP1 CL/FYP Committee

Objective :
workshop on introduction (Chapter 1) writing and literature review (chapter 2) writing

• Types of Research Proposals
• Components of a research Proposal 
  • Title 
  • Abstract 
  • Introduction (chapter 1) 
  • literature review (chapter 2)
  • Etc. 
•Qualities of a good proposal
•Commonly used tools
  • Endnote, MS Word tools etc.
  • Turnitin for palagarism 
• Q&A 

The briefing guide us on how to make a report for chapter 1 & chapter 2. the workshop will continue for the next briefing