Title: Testing the Peltier Module (TEC1-12706)
- To test the module
- to measure the output produced by the module
In this week 8, the student starts the FYP 2 progress by testing the module. The method in this experiment is the student use the temperature difference from the module to generate the electricity. This method is called The Seebeck effect, which is a phenomenon in which a temperature difference between two dissimilar electrical conductors or semiconductors produces a voltage difference between the two substances. On the other method, the module work is giving the module supply and it will make the module hot on the hot side and cold on the cold side. This method is called Peltier effect which is good for making a mini fridge for the prototype but the student only using the Seebeck effect to produce an electric from the module. The picture below shows how the student testing a Peltier module.
The picture above shows how the Peltier been tested. The students put the module on the heatsink as shows from above picture. The cold side of the module has it mark which is written the module model number and the hot side is blank and the hot side is placed facing the heat from the mini camping stove as shows above picture. The picture below shows the Peltier module hot and cold side.
This side of the Peltier Module is the hot side |
This side of the Peltier module is the cold side |
This concludes the activity in week 8 where the Peltier module is tested. There is some problem that occurs during the experiment which is 1 Peltier module only produce 1.25V from the temperature difference and it is the small value to go through the amplifier circuit. The student has come out with the solution which purchases 5 more Peltier module and connected in series. This idea came from the research that the student do. The problem with the circuit earlier from last week activity will also solve by going to Jalan Pasar and purchases new component together with purchasing the Peltier module. This can conclude the activity for week 8 of FYP 2 project and will continue to do the progress in next week activity.
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